
Were all those
Smiles that greeted me?
Love that enamored me?
Eyes that promised me forever?
Gestures that excited me?
Endearments that bedaffled me?
Imitations that exhilarated me?

A Facade to ?

Bury the life in me …
Bring out the beast in me…
Mock my ways…
Daunt my freed..
Question my virtue…
Stab my back…
Brag my defense…
Gawk my motives…
Poison my existence …

Was everything framed from the start to see me
Jilted ?
Hurt ?
Broken ?
Shattered ?
Down ?

Well you failed to notice I am still
God gifted and nothing
Can cause my demise except God! 

It all started….

It all started with eye locks or catching glimpses of one another
In a crowd hassled, busy in their own little world, but had
Eyes on them witnessing their new profound smittening
In their gazes, pronouncing the new spring of love when
They never gave a thought to the turn of events suddenly
Making them restlessness to give a try to friendship when
Introductions were made linking them as friends of friends
In one way or another, gladly availing the chance to be acquainted
Only to see if these awkward mutual feelings called crush could
Stand a chance or was it just an inevitable attraction binding them
In blindness leading to exchange of numbers providing ample
Opportunities of 24-7 texts and messages, entangling them
In the impulse to feel love so deep, declaring out loud to everyone that
They are one for eternity but there was a hidden facade, a bitter deception
Of love keeping away the truth of his being, making him a
A despite man full of lies and mislead waving her goodbye with just an
Explanation that he was not good enough for her, and made an oath to never
Return back and letting her become a person forlorn and clingy, for flawed decisions
And fancy for believing at first place that ,thus it is always started from care to
Adoration and from adoration to love and from love to matrimony
All in a second!

P.s:Wrote it based on keen observation from sudden events in the past !