At times I ought to give up
Give up the entirety that encircles me

At times I itch to run away
Run away from silence echoing me to the core

At times I urge to disguise
Disguise into shadow still remaining

At times I want to allow my heart to spill out of my chest
In the way it makes me all feel existent

At times I require nobody
Nobody to caste me an eye

At times I am destitute
Destitute from sentiments and impressions

At times I can get tame
Tame with love as a dare

At times I get aggressive
Aggressive from my mind and logic

At times I need to scream and shout
Scream and shout to let it all out

At times I am miserable
Miserable as in numb

At times I plead for solitude
Solitude to think straight

At times I am tired
Tired of hobbing around

At times I thirst to give up
Give up to never hearing any voice

At times I am filled with happiness
Happiness with seeing me appreciated

At times I have my mood swings
Mood swings to fathom my flaws and faults

At times I am generous
Generous to lay a world beneath your feet

At times I redeem
Redeem from my nightmares of sin

At times I smile
Smile with no personal vendetta

At times I long for attention
Attention like the one given to cash

At times I yearn for a listener
Listener of my melancholy and delight

At times I am consumed with fondness
Fondness that endears me with tender

At times I lose my cool
Cool as in my level of sufferance and leniency

At times I am funny
Funny like a goodfella

At times we have such times
Times that are all good and bad
Good as in best and bad as in disastrous
Like a clock oscillating and striking 12 and 12
Reborning the day and the night

28 thoughts on “At times!…

  1. It was just thought provoking and i was simply lost in my little world of imagination. I love it to sit outside in the verandah and watch the sky turning into different colours. The sunrise the sunset, the evening, the stars coming out and yeah the moon. Ohh its soo beautiful that i wish could marry it. lol πŸ˜› or someone whose face as beautiful as a full moon. πŸ˜€

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Naima – you said it all in a few words “only we get to decide”. It is such a fundamental truth but so many people will not accept (usually due to pride). We all have choices. On a rainy dismal day, we can choose to be happy or we can choose to be depressed. It is our choice. We can choice to let work frustrations impact our home life, or we can choose to leave them at work. It is our choice. The difficulty for many people is that once you make a choice, you have to take responsibility for that choice. Of course it is so much easier to just blame the weather or blame the boss etc. Great comment.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Choice is crucial but we don’t seem to put enough emphasis on its existence in our life.
        Colin, your comments on most of the blogs are so wise and wonderful. Always so much to learn from them.



  2. Truth has been said ! Truth has been said so beautifully ! At times we require to read your poetry, poetry to make ourselves smile. πŸ™‚
    The analogy of the clock showing the same time during birth of day as well as night – lovely. Its amazing to see that you can get the inspiration from the things that are so conveniently ignored by most of us.
    This piece would stay with me for a long time πŸ™‚


    1. Maybe please get it framed lol πŸ˜€ at times I am lame ,lame as in blabber ..hehe
      Yeah! I have started penning down looking at 360 degrees otherwise I ll be short of ideas :p

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol the day of achievement when somebody will get inspired. .I have knack of getting inspired quickly ,maybe in such a drill I forget I am being inspired from my inspiratory work in this tad bit of inspiration that inspires me :p

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Was that a tongue twister? πŸ˜›
        And I understand (a bit). But you do inspire me. Just yesterday I was telling a friend about your magnificent writing πŸ™‚


      3. Haha sort of made that up in a bit :p weekend sheningans πŸ˜€
        Really! I hope he could read between the lines, my poems have all been a bit circlish 😝

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You have that potion in your poems as well. .Talking about all the issues or happiness and these are the signs of a good poet. .πŸ˜†β˜Ί

        Liked by 1 person

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